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End of the Day

Life's troubles, burst bubbles, of everyday people who go on their way.
They face the grind, so nature puts a little time aside, to try and make it right and make it better again for everyone.
Suddenly, when you touch me, I just melt inside, I feel the healing of your love
I think you'll find it works the other way too, real love is reciprical
How could we start this, and never think about the consequences or the obstacles of our actions. We never cared to give it a thought, we got too engulfed into our lives and each other.
We got so full of ourselves.

Your not in a dream when you realize, that you're in love with me
You know exactly what I mean, we are a team, and we lean on each other
We don't make scenes, just stay in between
It keeps me from the attitudes of the mulitudes a-round
So save the screams, for the mean, and love me

Once inside my heart, there's little chance you'll want to depart
It's futile to resist, don't make a fuss, you have to trust
I'm waiting for you at the end of the day