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We Are Love
I don't think that this life stinks, (wink, wink)
Just be care ful what you drink.
All around, love can be found, listen for the sounds, it's coming 'round, a-gain
It walks before you, it walks behind, stands right beside you, and stays in line
Love comes around a-gain, and again
It's in the listen, it's in the talk, there is no distance, it cannot walk
It's in your mind, all the time, gets stimulated, with a glass of wine

Once, a long time ago, I was on my knee
As you were walking out the door, I was begging you please
Don't fall in the same trap, as everyone before
Don't fall for the same crap, once more

We are born of love, still we never feel right, and we're born to love, to be in each other's life
We are Love
Come tell the world with me, Come tell the world with me, Come tell the world